Thursday, October 11, 2012

Train party invite

I've been working on the invite for Mason's train party. Pretty excited about how it's turning out.

I found this invite on Etsy to use as inspiration

For only $15 this Etsy seller will personalize everything for you and email you the invite so you can print as many copies as you need. Well worth it in my opinion.
Me being a control freak who really enjoys doing this stuff had to make my own version of course. I totally have issues!
Here's my version
Not bad if I do say so myself!
I've ordered #10 profile envelopes in craft paper from this site for $25 with shipping.
I really wanted string tie envelopes like this
Pinned Image
But just couldn't rationalize spending an extra $20 plus S&H to get them.

I found a tutorial online on how to make your own string tie envelopes

Might just add the ties myself.
Yep might just be that crazy!
or not
We shall see!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Choo Choo Masons turning two!

For my son's second birthday in January we have deiced to do a train themed birthday party.

I finally got around to making the save the date for Facebook



I used this free invitation from Make your own invitation website.

Opened it in photoshop. Used this tutorial on how to Create a Vintage Steam Locomotive Poster in Photoshop to age it.
The font I used is Rosewood std which you can download free here.
So far already about 30 people have rsvp'd! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Monster baby shower

My niece Maureen is expecting a baby this March and of course I volunteered to throw the party. We had a "Sugar and Spice" theme all picked out and ready to go till we found out she was expecting a boy. Surprise!

So back to the drawing board.

After going back and forth for a while Maureen settled on a "Mommy's little monster" theme and away pinning I went.

Click here to see my Little Monster Pinterest board

After the theme the next thing I fix is the date and location. Baby is due end of March so February 2nd is the date we've chosen and the location will be in Grandma and Grandpa F's backyard.

The invitation inspiration I found was this amazing invitation done by Jaime Gorman for her Fabulous “Fuzzy Monster” First Birthday Party as featured on The Hostess with the Mostess blog. If your looking for Monster party inspiration check out her party. It's one of the best I've seen out there.


With her amazing invitation as my inspiration and free clip art from My Free Graphics

I created this invitation

and this save the date for Facebook

I'm really pleased how well they turned out and Maureen loves them so that's what really matters.

One of the really fun things about planning parties for my nieces is that I have practically no budget and it forces me to be really creative. That and I'm planning my son's second birthday party for the second week of January so it's going to be crazy.

and sooo much fun!